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Laminar MEG

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Laminar MEG

The use of subject-specific head-casts allows for acquisition of high SNR MEG data. Using computer simulations I showed that with these head-casts it is, in principle, possible to localize data recorded with MEG sensors to deep or superficial cortical laminae; a possibility that I then realized, non-invasively in the human brain, demonstrating the laminar- and frequency-specific correlates of action selection for the first time.

James (Jimmy) J. Bonaiuto
Charge de recherche in Neuroscience


BACKGROUND Determining the anatomical source of brain activity non-invasively measured from EEG or MEG sensors is challenging. In order …

Distinct anatomical and spectral channels are thought to play specialized roles in the communication within cortical networks. While …

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a direct measure of neuronal current flow; its anatomical resolution is therefore not constrained by …

In magnetoencephalography (MEG) research there are a variety of inversion methods to transform sensor data into estimates of brain …

BACKGROUND In combination with magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data, accurate knowledge of the brain’s structure and location …