decision making

Response repetition biases in human perceptual decisions are explained by activity decay in competitive attractor models

Animals and humans have a tendency to repeat recent choices, a phenomenon known as choice hysteresis. The mechanism for this choice bias remains unclear. Using an established, biophysically informed model of a competitive attractor network for …

Selective alteration of human value decisions with medial frontal tDCS is predicted by changes in attractor dynamics

During value-based decision making, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is thought to support choices by tracking the expected gain from different outcomes via a competition-based process. Using a computational neurostimulation approach we asked …

A Biologically Plausible Computational Theory for Value Integration and Action Selection in Decisions with Competing Alternatives

Decision making is a vital component of human and animal behavior that involves selecting between alternative options and generating actions to implement the choices. Although decisions can be as simple as choosing a goal and then pursuing it, humans …

Modeling the BOLD correlates of competitive neural dynamics

Winner-take-all models are commonly used to model decision-making tasks where one outcome must be selected from several competing options. Related random walk and diffusion models have been used to explain such processes and apply them to …